The Process To Become Better

The method I teach helps you build a solid foundation that will facilitate success in every area of your life. We are all spiritual energy beings having a human experience. We only experience this life in the now and from within. If we were able to experience life outside of us, experience would be objective, not subjective. 

This means the cause of what you feel…is inside you.

Not outside of you. 

While we strive to accomplish our goals, one of our first priorities is to become the best experiencers of the now. 

The next focus is recovery–that’s recovery from the negative voices stemming from shame, guilt, fear, apathy, grief, anger, pride to the positive voices  stemming from courage, acceptance,  reason, passion, love, joy and peace. 

Get Out of Your Own Way


Purpose becomes a powerful source of energy when it moves from being externally to internally motivated. Extrinsic motivation reflects the desire to get more of something that we don’t feel we have enough of: money, approval, social standing, power or even love. “Intrinsic” motivation grows out of the desire to engage because we value it–simply for the inherent satisfaction it provides.

What is success for you?  What is your vision? What are your intrinsic and core values? How do you see your future Self? What is the future you are creating? Who is your Best Self? The more you can describe and visualize what success means to you, the more powerful you can become.

Get Real


The more real you are about the now–the current state of affairs, life, yourself, your partnerships, and the various worlds you live in, the more joyful you will become while having success in every area of your life. This only happens when you take full accountability for how you feel and the impact you are having in the world.

Get Loved Up


Energy, not time, is your most valuable resource for getting the results you want in your life. 

The Practice of raising your level of vibrational energy to reach higher levels of CONSCIOUSNESS allows you to become more spiritually aligned, mentally focused, emotionally connected, physically energized.  

You are more likely to make good decisions that shape your desired future when they are based on high quality thoughts and at a high vibrational energy, and when you are in a high vibrational state. 

The more energy you have, the more you can accomplish and the more you will thrive in every aspect of your life. The key is to learn how to create and harness energy in your own life so you can accomplish your  lofty goals.